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Alive and kicking


Late Night with the Devil

2023 / 93m - Australia
Late Night with the Devil poster

The premise is fun enough, the build-up was good, but the finale felt lacking. I've seen similar horror films and while this has an extra faux doc angle to make it stand out, the payoff simply wasn't big enough. Horror films these days have become a bit too soft, especially in the latter third.

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Dastmalchian is on point, the faux doc approach is pretty believable and there are some nice run-ups to the more serious work in the first half of the film. But the real haunts are tame and the film is over before it becomes truly horrific. I had expected a little more of this one, not really worth the hype.

Scare Campaign

2016 / 80m - Australia
Scare Campaign poster

The film tries a little too hard to come up with twists that you see coming a mile away. It ruins the scares and it kills the atmosphere, which is a shame because there's some real potential here. With a slightly better cast and less focus on some dumb reveals, this could've been a pretty solid horror flick. Not terrible though.