A very capable but low-key genre director. One of those people who held their own in the Hong Kong production machine. He never failed to amuse, though never really stood out either. Just avoid his more recent Chinese films.
Pretty solid HK action/thriller, with good performances by Cheung and Fong, some fine action scenes and a couple of cool stand-offs. It's definitely not the most original film ever, it's also not the most memorable one either, but it's more than decent filler that doesn't overstay its welcome. A good start of Law's directing career.
Oh China, what have you become? Law used to be a perfectly fine director. Not the best in the business, but if you wanted some fun genre fare, his oeuvre was a pretty safe bet. Now that he resurfaced in China, little remains of his former appeal. Come Back Home is a pretty bland rescue flick. Donnie Yen isn't a very good dramatic actor, the film is way too sentimental and the drama is pure kitsch. It's a pretty common complaint for contemporary Chinese blockbusters, which irrevocably drags them down. There are some decent rescue scenes and the runtime is on point, but that's not enough to save the film.Read all