
The reassuring confirmation of Brandon Cronenberg's talent. The family resemblance is still pretty obvious, but it's clear that Brandon's work isn't just a carbon copy of father David. Possessor is a relentless, dark, moody and grim sci-fi tale with strong horror influences, thriving on stylistic prowess and honoring its intriguing premise with a smart plot. Hopefully this opens the door to a successful (and slightly more active) career.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Brandon Cronenberg's Antiviral is a nasty, smart and eerie body horror, mixed with a strong underlying social critique. It's a very deliberate, somewhat slow but extremely atmospheric film that never slips into cheesy pulp territory and left me quite perplexed.

Brandon Cronenberg's latest is another intriguing mix of sci-fi and horror, relying on a mysterious script, a moody soundtrack, and distinct cinematography to set itself apart from its peers. And that it does. While the film starts off simple enough, it doesn't take too long before things get quite convoluted and the audience is left to the whims of Cronenberg. While not the most original concept, it's hard to get a grip on the film and Cronenberg makes sure you never quite know what will happen next. He's clearly one of the most interesting contemporary genre directors, cultivating a signature style while reinventing himself with each new film he makes.