
A rather typical spy flick. No doubt this was meant to become a franchise, you can feel how it has a similar setup to Bond, with this first one being a film to gauge the public's interest. it's not a bad flick if you like spy movies with lots of over-the-top action, but The Gray Man doesn't do enough to make itself memorable. Gosling is well cast, the rest of the cast is fun too (with a surprisingly dark part for Evans). The plot is silly, but it's just an excuse to visit a new country every 20 minutes or so. The action scenes are solid even though none of them push the limits. I had fun with it I guess, but it's not a film that will linger. Simple (yet expensive) entertainment.Read all

Finally! It took 21 films to get to this point, even so I still had zero emotional investment in any of the characters. The drama is hilariously bad, the writing is shit and the action is clunky. Luckily the film has a decent budget, so it wasn't all terrible, but it's beyond me how Marvel managed to pull it off. I've seen them once, never again.

Incredibly messy film that left me completely cold. It's an action spectacle from start to finish, but it still manages to be boring as hell. A dumb (purple) bad guy, extremely lazy writing and terrible pacing all add insult to injury. I've never been a very big Marvel (franchise) fan, but this is a pretty big low, even for them.