
A decent horror film, that lacks a bit of punch to truly excel. The COVID/lockdown scenes felt a little preachy, the tension during the nightmares wasn't really there and the creature simply wasn't as menacing as it should've been. It's not all bad, it's just those finishing touches that were missing. The soundtrack is effective, there are some strong images here and the lore is pretty interesting. The performances are solid too, but it's just not as tense or creepy as I'd expected it to be. It's still decent post-Halloween horror filler, it's just that the potential was there to do better.Read all

Mitton's career started well enough, but it's been going downhill from there. The Witch in the Window fails at most things it tries. The scares are terrible, the drama unsightly. Luckily there are some very decent tension build-ups throughout. Not enough to save it, but at least it's not all bad. Not that great either though.