
A Hollywood rebellion flick. Poehler plays a mom who used to be a spirited activist and rebel, but who ended up like any other boring (single) mom taking care of her kid. Moxie feels like a film directed by that very character. It feels safe, uninspired and deflated, everything this film shouldn't have been. The direction feels flat, the performances are cringeworthy and the social critique is so on the nose that it's start to grate, especially since this film runs almost 2 hours long. It's a film that tries to be rock 'n roll, seemingly unaware that being rock 'n roll has been out of vogue for at least two or three decades. This was just painful to watch.Read all

A film about a bunch of 50-about women going on a trip to celebrate their friendship. Unless you share either age or gender with these characters though, I'm afraid there's just not that much here. The characters are irritating, the comedy is predictable and the drama is annoying. It's pretty horrible, which only one or two smirks along the way.