
Interesting concept, let down by some questionable CG, slow pacing, a lackluster score, subpar creature design and a general lack of tension. Garland is a good writer, but a rather poor director. The finale is so garish that it has to be seen to be believed.

Alex Garland's latest explores a subject this fear-ridden world embraces with open arms: the US at war with itself. It's not an action blockbuster though, instead, we get a more toned-down trip that emphasizes characters and narrative over spectacle. Sadly, Garland's direction is disappointing. The performances aren't great, the score is downright annoying, and the action scenes don't leave much of an impression. If the fearmongering works I guess this might be an impressive film, otherwise it's a bit of a dud that seems to be in line with Garland's other films. All bark, no bite.Read all

Alex Garland's latest reads like a very expensive tweet. It feels as if every other horror film I watch these days is some flaccid social critique, not something I find very engaging. The A24 glazing is getting pretty stale too, either that or Garland isn't really suited to do this type of dark mystery/surrealism. I usually appreciate a film that goes completely off the rails in the final act, but stylistically Men is rather poor, even though it's visibly straining to be as atmospheric as possible. The effect simply isn't there. The underlying themes are equally bland and disappointing, which makes for a pretty grotesque failure. At least the ambition was there though.Read all