Movie top list: 676 to 700

"Thanks to the raw cinematography, the polished sound design, and some stellar performances it hits all its emotional notes, without failing its cinematic roots."
For Love's Sake

"That said, there is still plenty to enjoy here. It seems that with each new film Miike raises the bar on production level. For Love's Sake looks absolutely stunning, from start to finish."
A Crimson Star

"The performances are great, the cinematography is inviting, the score is pleasant and the drama is potent, all signaling the budding talent of a young director."

"A film that is stylistically exciting and sports a familiar mix of genre elements while adding a particular flavor that makes it easily distinguishable from similar work."
April Story

"The film quickly won me over the second time around, thanks to the polished cinematography, a strong lead performance, a pleasant score, and some poignant moments."
Kiki's Delivery Service

"The animation is splendid, the characters are extremely lovable, Kiki's growth feels earned and realistic and there isn't a single moment where the quality even dips just a smidgen."
Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior

"A superb central performance of Jaa, amazing fight and chase scenes and some of the most bone-crunching martial arts moves recorded on film. First-class action cinema."
The King of Jail Breakers

"Itsuji delivers a unique, quirky and mysterious little film that knows how to charm."

"It's not an audiovisual wonder, and it may skip over some expectations of the road movie genre, but the characters are appealing and layered, while the performances are beyond stellar."
The Sun Also Rises

"Strong on every level, juicy and playful, it's a neat little diamond in the rough. Recommended for adventurous film fans."
Café Lumière

"Café Lumière held up pretty well, which isn't even that surprising knowing its appeal lies in the mundane."
All the Gods in the Sky

"Some scenes that are tough to sit through, fueled by a feeling of increasing dread and escalating drama, while presented with an appropriate level of polish."
Like Father, Like Son

"The characters are given ample room to thrive, the underlying drama is solid and the film features a stellar concept that intrigues even beyond the scope of its running time."
Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina

"Aramaki serves a very capable genre flick, making great use of the Appleseed setting and going beyond technological excellence to create a stylish, extravagant action spectacle."
Tears of the Black Tiger

"It's a mad blend of western and soap drama, wrapped in Thai goodness, rendered in the craziest color combos imaginable and sporting one of the cheesiest soundtracks I've ever heard."
Love, Life and Goldfish

"The lovely cinematography, the superb production design, the solid integration of the score and the pleasant performances all add up to a very charming and disarming film."
Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers

"It's a fun, quirky and silly film that slowly grows on you and leaves you behind with a warm smile."
Time and Tide

"Don't be mistaken, even though Time and Tide is somewhat atypical for a Hong Kong action film, it's still a pretty pure genre effort."
Hold Up Down

"The comedy is spot on, the cinematography is solid, the film works up to a strong crescendo and there are some very memorable scenes scattered throughout."
Bodyguards and Assassins

"Very much recommended if you've been enjoying the epic productions of the previous decade."

"Falling somewhere between the world of commercial and arthouse cinema, the film may have some trouble finding an appreciative audience, luckily there's been plenty of positive buzz."
Alice in Wonderland

"It's Burton's style that thrives the film to greater heights. One of the best Burton films I've seen so far, I hope he continues on this path"

"If you're looking for something totally different, strangely off-beat and pleasantly absurd, dressed in up utter stylistic wackiness, then Schizopolis definitely has you covered."
A Chinese Ghost Story III

"Built on quirky fantasy elements, lots of visual flair, a fun vibe and a light narrative. And if something doesn't work, the insane pacing makes sure you won't remember it for long."

"With his first feature, Govaerts delivers a rock solid genre film. It's tense and moody, never too gory, beautifully shot, aptly scored and generally well-directed."