Movie top list: 176 to 200
Trava: Fist Planet

"The combination of manic animation and dry, deadpan conversations is no doubt an acquired taste, still, there is plenty left to enjoy if you have a soft spot for animation."
Nowhere Girl

"The audiovisual qualities are nothing less than impressive, the structure is meticulously executed, and the finale is one of the most memorable ever."
The Box Man

"Great performances, a stylishly gritty presentation, pleasant befuddlement, and plenty to chew on once the credits start rolling. The Box Man has it all."
The Umbrella Fairy

"The Umbrella Fairy is the latest in a line of technically impressive, visually vibrant and culturally rich films that are working hard to put their own industry on the map."
Millennium Mambo

"Hou treats his subject with respect, just as he grants his characters the right amount of credibility. The result is a mesmerizing look into the life of a girl searching for her true identity."
Requiem for a Dream

"Destined to leave a permanent mark on cinema history and forever a reference for all other Aronofsky films. If you can stomach the tragedy, it's a film you simply cannot skip."

"The blend of sudden violence with quirky fun forms an explosive cocktail that's not only great to watch, but helps to get a feel for what would otherwise be lifeless characters."
The Wind Rises

"The Wind Rises is a more than worthy closing act. It's one of Miyazaki's very best films, a stunning ode to passion and perseverance in the face of a looming war."
The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters

"The film is smart, quirky, looks and sounds great and is filled to the brim with bristling creativity. It is hilarious, even if you can't catch all the details on the first viewing."

"Kamikaze Douga made a compact, slickly and tightly produced film that looks and sounds beautiful, feels original and packs more surprises than your average flagship title."
Isn't Anyone Alive?

"Let yourself be carried away by Ishii's unique sense of comedy coupled with a strong and mysterious build-up. In the end he might have changed his name, but he can't hide his talent"
Chasuke's Journey

"Chasuke's Journey is visually stunning, very well acted, original and most of all unique. It's exactly the kind of film that fuels my love for Japanese cinema."
Monsters Club

"The film looks beautiful, the atmosphere is tangible and the imagery unique, offering a surprising spin on what looks like yet another story about one person's distrust of modern society."

"Revolver is slick, stylistically impressive and atmospherically cohesive. It's a small departure from his earlier films, but that's actually a welcome change of scenery."

"One of the most uniquely satisfying anime ever released. A film that can only be compared with a very concise selection of otherwise incomparable animation projects."
Rubber's Lover

"A pretty simple film. You either like the madness, or you hate it. There's very little middle ground as everything in the film is made to be as intense, loud, and explosive as possible"
Why Don't You Play in Hell?

"It's no doubt one of the least serious films Sono has made so far, but there's so much vigor and energy here that only the most hardened stiffs would mind."

"Basset shows tremendous potential and doesn't waste any time cashing in on it. Horsehead is an audiovisual marvel, featuring an amazing soundtrack and stellar cinematography."

"It's a feast of recognition, a wonderful comedy and a completely unique film that could've been made by only one man in this entire world. Takeshis' is Takeshi Kitano."

"People who like their films just a little different, a bit more daring, and served with a dash of freshness will do well to check this one out. Highly recommended."
The Wall-Passer

"A splendid experience. Add awesome visuals and some pretty weird but cool musical choices, and what you get is something that might leave you scratching your head, but in a good way."

"This is genre cinema with the signature of an auteur, mood cinema with smarts and depth. Lush visuals, a superb soundtrack and slick performances only make it better."
Citizen Dog

"If you want something light-hearted, fun, and visually exuberant, Citizen Dog is your film. It's a lovely little comedy with a lot of heart, warmth, and plenty of interesting and original ideas."

"Mother is a film that is minutely tailored to allow for a thorough personal experience, while also covering themes that encompass the whole of humanity."

"The mesmerizing cinematography, the superb score, and pitch-perfect performances create a dreamy reality that transforms a traumatic story into a darkly magical experience."