St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort review

"It is far from a perfect film, maybe not a film that will stay with you for a very long time, but it sure sticks out from the rest."


Zombieland review

"If you're up for an entertaining, funny and fast zombie flick than Zombieland should be first pick. Even though it's not wildly original it hits all the right notes."

Life During Wartime

Life During Wartime review

"I would advise against making this the first Solondz film you watch, just try Happiness or Storytelling first as these films are a bit more accessible."


Kasane review

"The film looks beautiful, the core drama is intriguing, ambiguous and heightened by minor fantastical elements and the payoff is more than satisfying."

The Tag-Along

The Tag-Along review

"Still, it's nice to see Taiwan deliver a good horror film like this. The acting is well above par, the film looks great and the added couleur locale is sure to please seasoned horror fans."

Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones review

"It's a selection of small details that lift this film above the rest for me."

The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake

The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake review

"Fans of Yau should expect a cleaner and less gritty adoption of his trademark style, other people should be aware that Woman Knight can be a bit more direct than other, more typical martial arts epics"

One Million Yen Girl

One Million Yen Girl review

"One Million Yen Girl is a very typical Japanese drama which does little to really set itself apart from its peers. It will mostly appear to fans of the genre, which I happen to be."

The Children

The Children review

"Still, The Children is a strong entry in the recent horror hype."

The Seasoning House

The Seasoning House review

"The Seasoning House isn't a perfect horror film."

In Love with the Dead

In Love with the Dead review

"In Love With The Dead is a neat little genre film that thrives on atmosphere, providing a solid dramatic base overlaid with dark and brooding sentiments."

The Graduates

The Graduates review

"It's a pretty good film for newcomers and hardened fans alike. The film is accessible, has enough drama for those not quite used to the slow pacing and leaves enough room for meandering thoughts."

Heavenly Forest

Heavenly Forest review

"Tada, Kimi Wo Aishiteru is a sweet, cute, good-natured and hopelessly naive little film."

Eyes of the Spider

Eyes of the Spider review

"The soundtrack is nice, the rhythm of the film is pretty unique and the bold approach to cutting up the story line is a refreshing change. Kurosawa proves himself an interesting director."

Taipei 24H

Taipei 24H review

"After a somewhat slow start Taipei 24h gets up to steam and doesn't let down again."


Halfway review

"In the end Halfway is a film primarily made for existing fans of the genre. It's a very good, solid entry in the genre but does little to cross any existing boundaries."

Turn Left Turn Right

Turn Left Turn Right review

"Turn Left, Turn Right is a simple, light-hearted drama, but conceptually quite strong and pure. The film demands that you go along with its concept and leave it at that."

Ip Man 3

Ip Man 3 review

"Wilson Yip did well to wait a couple of years before making this third instalment. Yip Man 3 is a worthy successor, in every way possible."

Inland Empire

Inland Empire review

"Inland Empire is still a pretty interesting film and if you've enjoyed Lynch's older films it won't be too much of a disappointment. But expect crappy video quality and less than preferable visuals."


Acolytes review

"Acolytes could've failed in many ways, but in the end it didn't, which is quite the accomplishment."

Tales from the Dark Part 2

Tales from the Dark Part 2 review

"Tales From The Dark 2 turned out to be a neat surprise."


Alone review

"Fans of Shutter should really try and find this film as there is little that can disappoint them."


Secret review

"Feels a bit poppy and maybe a bit too flimsy, apart from that it's one big solid romance with a pretty cool twist and a magnificent ending leaving you pretty fulfilled after the film has finished."

Room 205

Room 205 review

"Still, Barnewitz execution is almost flawless and if you're still looking for some good Asian suspense fun, even though it comes from Denmark, Kollegiet is a pretty safe bet."

7 Days

7 Days review

"Les 7 Jour du Talion is another great entry in the Francophone wave of modern horror films."