Plot: Five directors adapt a short story from Otsuichi's novel. Two kids fight for their mother's love, a brother and sister find themselves locked up in a basement, a young boy is visited by the ghosts of both his parents, a robot stays with her creator to bury him and a young couple discovers an abandoned zoo.
December 13, 2024
A fun anthology with five horror/supernatural-themed stories. The quality of the shorts is consistently solid, which sounds good, but it's the film's biggest weakness. I love a good anthology, but only when it has some clear stand-out films that push the boundaries. Zoo is lacking that.
Each of the films has a story with an interesting spin, but none of the directors managed to add something extra. Apart from the animated short maybe, but budgetary constraints hampered that one. Still, if you like a good anthology and you haven't seen this one yet, you won't be disappointed.
September 14, 2006
[review pending]