Plot: In a faraway future, Earth is split into two groups of people. There's a group of elitists who are immortal and possess mental powers, and there are the barbarians who are controlled by the former group. Zed is a barbarian who learns about the role the elitists play, and he plans to infiltrate their community.
December 28, 2024
Even though this film is set in the future, I don't think there's much sci-fi to be found here. It's more like a fantasy film with a similar premise as The American Astronaut. While that film is intriguing and beautifully stylized, Zardoz is an absolute cheese-fest that's funny for all the wrong reasons.
I'm guessing Sean Connery probably doesn't want to be reminded of this part, the costumes and world-building are hilarious(ly bad) and the film is a mix of passable ideas gone horrifically wrong. It's an amusing train wreck, and it did keep me engaged throughout, but I wouldn't call it anywhere near good.