Plot: Two friends fall in love with the same woman (Lucy). Kyle has a bad reputation and uses his money to impress women, Mitch is a hard-working fella who is a bit shy around the ladies. Even before Mitch is able to profess his love, Kyle convinces Lucy to marry him. Meanwhile, Kyle's sister takes an interest in Mitch.
July 23, 2022
My first Douglas Sirk. I'm actually a bit surprised, I could've sworn I've watched some of his films before, but I've clearly mistaken him for someone else. Not that I've missed out on much, it seems Sirk's work is very much in line with other bombastic Hollywood melodrama of that era.
Big drama and emotions from start to finish. I will say that Sirk handles it pretty well under the circumstances, but it's not the kind of cinema I care for. The cinematography is bland, the performances are not too subtle and the pacing a bit sluggish. Just one of the many American classics that failed to leave an impression, but it's not the worst of the bunch.