Plot: The film revolves around Guan Ning, a man whose life crumbles when his young daughter is kidnapped. He made it his goal to find the kidnappers, but when he finally finds their trail, he is apprehended by a special ops team that belongs to a big tech company. The CEO wants to help Ning find his daughter, but in return, Ning is tasked to locate a writer and kill him. The writer is live-blogging his latest novel and whenever he broadcasts a new chapter, the story appears to affect reality. The CEO fears that h
August 11, 2021
An exciting blend of urban and high fantasy. A Writer's Odyssey is an exemplary fantasy film, unburdened by decades of cultural baggage, where every character and setting is as much an exploration for the audience as it is for the lead characters. There is no lack of visual splendor, technical excellence and epic proportions here. The biggest difference with Hollywood blockbusters is that this actually feels fresh and contemporary, rather than stale and expected. A standard for global blockbusters.