Plot: A service robot crashes down on a remote island. It is brought to life by some curious animals, but it has no luck trying to find anyone who needs help. But when it saves a goose's egg from a fox, the egg hatches and the gosling imprints itself on the robot. It finally found its mission, but raising a gosling is hard for a robot.
October 25, 2024
I'd heard a lot of good things about this one, but despite having a more interesting art style, the film is pretty much consistent with other childish US animations. Irritating characters and horrid comedy make this unpleasant to sit through, even though it shouldn't have been too difficult to turn this into a decent film.
The voice acting is grating, the robot has the charm of a generic US soccer mom and the animals are all suffering from ADHD. The visuals offer something a little different, though it feels a bit too much like a simple filter on top of the usual 3D CG designs. The plot and moral takeaways are disappointing too, but it's still mildly better than many of its peers.