2022 / 117m - Japan
Comedy, Crime
The Way of the Househusband poster

Plot: A former Yakuza hitman mellowed out and turned his life around. He has a wife and kids now, and he stays at home, taking care of the household. His old life still follows him around though, and the police are wary of his behavior. Some big misunderstandings will make his life a big old mess.


March 13, 2023


The Way of the Househusband was already a popular anime and live-action TV show, so I'm not surprised they turned out a movie version too. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a live-action anime adaptation, funny and over-the-top, but a bit low on cinematic qualities and a bit too generic to make a lasting impression.

The comedy is pretty predictable, the acting style is well over-the-top and the pun-based misunderstandings are a little too generic. Japan likes to Yakuzafy everything and this wasn't a bad attempt, it's just not a very remarkable or memorable one. Pretty decent if you're looking for light comedy fluff, but don't expect anything more.