Plot: Mina is an American working in a small pet shop in Ireland. She has to deliver a special bird to a zoo, but on her way there she gets lost and ends up in a dark forest. Eerie creatures roam around at night but Mina is rescued by a curious trio. They hide out in a small cabin, where the creatures come to observe them every night.
July 11, 2024
Ishana, director of The Watchers, is M Night Shyamalan's daughter, and even though her dad is still doing his thing, she seems hellbent on continuing his legacy. She doesn't even try to distance herself from her father's work, though she does add some unique elements that help to distinguish herself.
The film offers a nice mix of mystery, horror, and fantasy and builds up the tension proficiently. It's a shame the explanations come relatively soon, taking away the mystery element. The performances are solid and the presentation is stylish, it's just that the ending felt a bit underwhelming. It's a promising debut though, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Ishana.