Plot: Violet is an orphan who served in the war, under Major Bougainvillea. With his last words he expressed his love for Violet, after that she never saw him again. When the war is over Violet goes to work for the post office, helping people write letters while finding out what those final words of Bougainvillea really meant.
February 20, 2022
A BBC period drama mixed with anime fantasy. I was aware of the TV series, but I never bothered watching it. A film on the other was something I was willing to go for, and so I started this one not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I feared worse, but it could've been better too.
The art style is detailed, and the animation is pretty lush. The film is quite a sight to behold, which is a good thing as the story gets pretty mushy and sentimental. Luckily, there are some fantasy elements to keep things interesting. A more concise and slightly more subtle approach would've made this a much better film though.