Plot: Michael Chambers is a recovering gambler. He left his hometown to escape temptation, yet several years later he returns for his mother's second marriage. Upon arrival, he runs into some old friends who haven't forgotten about him. They still have a score to settle and it'll be tough for Michael to remain on the right path.
January 12, 2025
A very standard crime flick, made just a little better by Soderbergh's colorful direction. It's what saves this one from complete anonymity, but it's not enough to turn this into a memorable film. The dreary plot and poor performances are too much of a hindrance and Soderbergh didn't go all out.
In all fairness, if you like (US) crime flick you probably won't be as bothered by the story, I simply didn't care for it. I appreciated the colorful photography and the pacing was decent, that's about all I'm afraid to say. Other than that, it's very generic and by the numbers, but at least it was bearable.