Plot: After being divided once too many, humanity decides to try a different approach. They devise a procedure that transforms everyone into their perfect self. A new society emerges, but not everything is as it seems. The people in power are hiding a dark truth, but once turned the perfect individuals don't seem to care anymore.
November 08, 2024
The Substance for the tweens. No doubt this is based on a young adult novel (it's certainly set up like those franchises, as it ends with a big old cliffhanger). It's a shallow sci-fi with a dumb premise and lazy morality, but big-budget sci-fi is quite rare and the decent pacing made it somewhat watchable.
The "perfect" world looks like hell on Earth, the twists are predictable and the performances are flat. I also kind of hope this flops because I don't need to see more of this universe, and I generally expect more from McG. Still, if you like sci-fi and are fed up with all the near-future variations, there's some mild 'fun to be had.