Plot: Xiao Xiao is a young girl struggling with ADHD. She is often teased by her classmates, but when she reacts she gets blamed for the fuss caused. Her mother is dating Xiao Xiao's teacher, who seems capable of handling her pretty well, much more so than her often stressed mother.
June 06, 2024
A fine Taiwanese drama about a young mother raising a kid with ADHD. As is the norm with Taiwanese films, the presentation is slick and the performances are on point. It's just that the drama felt a little overdone. I would've preferred a slightly more subdued approach, the second half in particular felt a bit heavyhanded.
The cinematography is beautiful, the actors do a good job and the film gives a strong impression of what it is to live with a kid like that. There's just a bit too much outside drama in the latter half of the film, which detracts from the core. Still a worthy film, but not quite up there with the best the country has on offer.