Plot: Lars and Lisa are planning a weekend away from work to try and fix their marriage. Their relationship isn't doing too well, and a little retreat to Lars' father's cabin sounds like a good idea. Lars has other plans. He's been meticulously planning an assassination attempt on his wife. After a nice evening together, he finally gathers all his courage, but it turns out that he's not the only one with nefarious plans. Three escaped criminals are roaming the woods around the cabin, hoping to evade capture. Lars
February 12, 2022
A great return to form for Tommy Wirkola. The biggest trap for dark comedies is that they daren't push the limits. They quit when it's really just starting to get fun. There's none of that here, no doubt thanks to Wirkola's background in horror cinema. The first half is knowingly predictable (twists included), the middle part is where it starts to get fun, the finale is completely bonkers. Wirkola serves a great mix of genres, blending comedy, thriller and horror elements to create a superbly entertaining film.