Plot: A young man approaches Ueda and Naoko. He wants them to retrieve his friend from the hands of a Sawako, a psychic living in Hakogami-jima. The two succeed in their mission, but they soon realize that Sawako is a victim himself, and so they dive deeper into the mystery to uncover the full truth.
February 14, 2018
A rather simple repetition of the first film. There's a different trick, with all the plot wrapped around it. While the Trick films have enough potential to be weird and fun, it seems Tsutsumi didn't have the time or budget to create something proper from them. The result is a film that fails to excite.
The comedy is what saves this film, as the plot is too basic and the performances nor the presentation manage to make a real impression. It makes for a film that is goofy and wacky enough to be entertaining, but there are more than enough Japanese films doing a way better job at that.