Plot: Noako is still unemployed and desperately looking for a job. Then she hears about a village whose shaman just died. They are organizing a challenge to find a new one and Naoko wants to apply for the job. To get it, she'll have to face off against her former teacher Jiro, who was hired to weed out any fakers.
February 24, 2018
More fodder for fans of the original material. Tsutsumi never managed to deliver a true cinematic experience for the Trick films. They feel more like TV movie money grabs, despite the talent present in front of the camera. Despite its epic subtitle, this film offers limited improvements over previous efforts.
The mix of fantasy and science is odd enough, sadly, the comedy often feels out of place. There are some quirky characters and some wacky/random moments scattered throughout, but they're never as fun or outlandish as they were meant to be. It's a shame this couldn't ever live up to its full potential.