Plot: Two power-hungry misers are having a wager after a short nature versus nurture discussion. To see who is right, they pick up a petty thief from the street and make him manager of their company, whilst demoting the current manager and getting him jailed for stealing and selling drugs.
December 12, 2021
A classic 80s comedy from John Landis. It's little more than a pairing of Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, who are both allowed to perform their usual tricks. The film gets a bit grim and unpleasant in places and the plot is very basic, but the film does have a couple of memorable moments.
Aykroyd and Murphy are decent, though the latter has the best scenes. The plot is predictable, Landis isn't the most gifted director and the runtime is a bit excessive, but the premise is solid enough and there were a couple of funny moments. Hardly the comedy some make it out to be, but it's not the worst film either.