Plot: The Corvins are vampires who upstaged the Dracula clan long ago, starting an age-long feud between the two families. The Dracula clan is planning their revenge, for that, they need to get to Manami, a kid who was imbued with vampire blood right after birth. K, a vampire of the Dracula clan, is the first one to reach Manami, who at that time is still blissfully unaware of her special affliction. It's not easy to keep Manami in check and when she ends up at a mysterious party in Hotel Requiem (a hotel run by
June 19, 2021
Absolutely batshit crazy vampire flick from Sono. This film is the condensed version of the TV series and it does show in places (the pacing and stylistic finish can be a bit wobbly), but man it this a blast. Colorful cinematography, colorful characters, gallons of blood, Sono's signature madness and an onslaught of memorable moments make this an absolute delight. I'm actually interested in watching the series now, though I'm glad I watched the film version first. A delight.