Plot: Takemichi leads a pointless and unfulfilling life. When he hears his old high school girlfriend died in a local gang war, he ponders where it went wrong for him. On his way home, he ends up on the tracks of the metro, but when the train is about to hit him, a time warp takes Takemichi back 10 years in time.
January 26, 2022
A typical high school brawler, though sporting a more fantastical component to flesh out its premise. It doesn't change all that much, in the end it's still a bunch of high school kids kicking and punching each other. If anything, the time spent explaining this plot device takes away from the core fun.
If you like this niche, then Tokyo Revengers won't disappoint. The performances are solid, the gangs are pretty badass, and the time travel mechanic does add a bit of a twist to an otherwise rather generic genre. The direction feels a bit plain though and with many better films released in the past couple of years, it's hardly a stand-out.