Plot: Japan is struggling during World War II, but an even bigger evil is threatening them. In a desperate attempt, they try to weaponize the psychic world, but that wakes up an old Japanese general with a terrible grudge. The only one who can save Tokyo is a young apprentice of a priest.
June 30, 2024
Not on par with Jissoji's version, but a pretty decent sequel nonetheless. Its biggest problem is that it takes quite a while before the film gets going. The first half is a relatively straightforward war movie with few fantasy/horror elements present, the second half cranks things up a few notches, but it never goes overboard.
The Last War takes its war drama a bit too seriously, especially for a film that thrives on genre cheese. The second half is much better, with nifty creature designs and several memorable moments. It saves the film from becoming a full-on disappointment, still, I was hoping for something a bit more fulfilling.