Shuai Gui Qiao Qiang Jiao
1990 / 87m - Hong Kong
Comedy, Fantasy
Till Death Shall We Start poster


July 08, 2023


Ricky Lau goes farcical comedy, though not without adding a touch of fantasy/horror. Don't expect anything scary though, whatever supernatural elements are here are all part of the comedy. With Richard Ng in the lead, you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect, this is a film for people who know what they're getting themselves into.

David died a virgin, and because of that, he is not allowed into the afterlife. He goes back to Earth in ghostly form with one sole mission: to deflower a human girl. His eye falls on Yen, but her boyfriend is on to David and he'll try to stop him with all his power. Yen is suspicious of her boyfriend's behavior though.

Chaos. From start to finish, this is a comedy that relies on chaos, confusion, and a touch of absurdity. It's not exactly highbrow and there are some questionable moments, but the vibe is light, the pacing slick and the runtime short. Not Ricky Lau's greatest film, but decent comedy filler if you have the stomach for it.