Thriller - En Grym Film
1973 / 104m - Sweden
Crime, Thriller
Thriller: A Cruel Picture poster


February 18, 2024


A proper grindhouse flick that retained most of its cool. This is thanks to a strong central performance and some notable directing choices, which help to set the film apart from its peers. The graphic sex is probably what landed the film its reputation, but it's by far the least interesting aspect of Thriller.

A young girl can't get a break in life. After she is raped as a child, she grows up a mute. On an odd day off she travels to the city and falls into the hands of a pimp, who keeps her against his will and forces her to have sex with his clients. The girl is stuck, but she quickly starts planning her revenge.

Lindberg is pretty cool, the deaths are fun and effective and the film is classier than its grindhouse categorization would have you assume. It could've been a bit more compact and some of the sound effects are a bit silly by modern standards, but this turned out to be a lovely little surprise.