San Cha Ji
2024 / 108m - China
Crime, Action
Three Old Boys poster

Plot: Three old crime officers are gearing up to solve one more case. A case that has its roots in events that happened more than two decades ago. Crime fighting has evolved a lot in those times and they get one more youngster on their team to help them with modern tech, but nothing beats some good old police work.


August 16, 2024


Gao's latest is a pleasant crime flick, but the film isn't quite up there with his best work. It reminded me a little of Yimou's latest, an intricate crime story and lots of minute police work, but without that one thing that could raise the film above its peers. And so this is simply a very capable genre film.

The cast is good, the presentation is slick and the story is detailed. There's a lot of plot to wade through during the first half, so make sure you follow along. The broader plot isn't that difficult to follow though. Add some solid action scenes and a pointed finale, and you have another solid Gao.