2022 / 125m - USA
Comedy, Fantasy
Thor: Love and Thunder poster

Plot: After Thor was abandoned by Jane, he feels empty inside. He wanders around, saving people from evil, but he's mostly putting on a show. Jane from her side is suffering from stage 4 cancer. Out of options, she seeks out Mjolnir, hoping the hammer can make her healthy again.


July 19, 2022


Waititi's fourth Thor film hits my sweet spot. This is what I want from my superhero flicks: pure silliness and entertainment. Is there room for other things? Sure, but always in the margin. Waititi keeps it light, fun and daft from start to finish. Not quite original, he also pulled this off in the third Thor film, I'm just glad to see him repeat it.

It's always lovely to see famous actors make a fool of themselves, there are some pretty hilarious (and devious) jokes (like those horrible, horrible goats), and the pacing is nigh perfect, making those two hours fly by. There's still a bit too much blockbuster sauce and the soundtrack is a bust, but other than that, great film.