1949 / 94m - USA
Crime, Thriller
Thieves' Highway poster

Plot: When Nick returns home after an extended stay in Asia, he discovers that his father has lost his legs. A promising apple harvest was supposed to bring wealth to the family, instead, Nick's father was set up by a seller. Nick wants to avenge his dad and tries to find out who messed with his dad.


January 20, 2024


How 'bout them apples. Never have I heard so much talk about apples in a film before, then again, not many crime films deal with apple farmers and shady businessmen trying to cross them. It adds a somewhat novel spin to the plot, though it isn't enough to turn this into a riveting film.

This was a slightly lighter noir, which made it a bit easier to stomach. The performances aren't great and the plot is a little ridiculous, but at least it didn't feel like it was supposed to be brooding and edgy. Besides that, this was a pretty basic and short crime flick, nothing too special, but I've seen worse.