Plot: An average, bored bourgeoisie family gets a wake-up call when they get a visit from a mysterious stranger. The stranger appears out of thin air and manages to seduce every member of the family. When they're all smitten by him, he disappears just as quickly as he arrived, leaving the family in complete disarray.
May 17, 2024
The film that inspired one of my all-time favorites, to be fair, there's quite a difference between both films. Visitor Q is balls-the-walls insane, Theorem is a more serious and mysterious take on the same premise. I wasn't exactly surprised, which is why it took me so long to finally get around to it.
Making direct comparisons to Visitor Q is pointless, Pasolini's Theorem is very much its own thing. I wasn't too taken by the performances and the cinematography is quite murky, but there are some interesting scenes and the film kept me intrigued from start to finish. Overall, it's wasn't a major success though.