Plot: Anya is an epidemiologist with questionable ethics and a firm will to get ahead in life. One night she gets a call, urging her to join a covert mission. The bottom of the Kola borehole houses a secret research facility, but all contact has been lost and the government believes a scientific experiment has gone off the rails. Anya joins a military team that will assist her on her journey down the borehole. When they arrive at the destination, the team is greeted by one of the lead scientists. He proposes to a
April 10, 2021
This one was every bit as fun as it sounded on paper. The Superdeep wears its influences on its sleeve, ranging from Carpenter's The Thing, Clive Barker, The Abyss and even Half Life. Set in 80s Russia, is makes superb use of an underground research facility where a fearsome discovery is threatening the existence of mankind. Lovely effects, a thrilling score and tons of atmosphere makes this one of the most entertaining horror films in quite some time.