Plot: Bison is threatening to take over the world, and to make his threat known to the world he kidnapped 63 UN delegates. He has given Commander Guile and his men three days to comply. Meanwhile, Chun Li and the rest of her news crew are going after Sagat, one of Bison's henchmen.
November 24, 2024
One of those films I watched as a kid but never revisited. I didn't care much for this video game adaptation when I first watched it, the plot is a downright mess and the way the characters were translated to the big screen makes no sense at all. That said, there is a dumb charm here that turns it into somewhat of an enjoyable trainwreck.
The performances are bad, the sets look cheap and it's a good thing most of the cast is introduced by name, or it would be difficult to link half of them to their original characters. But the film is so silly and extra that there's at least some fun to be had. It's not a great adaptation, but certainly not the worst of its kind.