Plot: David and his wife move to the UK, where they hope to find a more peaceful life. Their attempts are in vain, as they aren't exactly welcomed in the little rural community. What starts off as pestering starts to escalate pretty quickly. David is a peace-loving man, but even he has his limits.
July 13, 2023
A gritty 70s thriller, that takes way too long to get going, and has few other redeeming qualities than its raw finale. As it takes about 100 minutes to get there, the film as a whole is a pretty big disappointment. Not that my expectations were that much higher, considering the people involved, but the film does have quite the reputation.
The premise sounded promising, but the performances are pretty bad (not a big Hoffman fan), the drab colors are off-putting and the first half is overly long and uneventful. The second half is better, but I've seen films that are way more impressive in almost half the length of this one. Not very good.