Plot: A meteor storm brings a small egg to our planet. It lands in a New York building, where a young girl with a taste for the morbid finds it. She captures the little spider that comes out of the egg and keeps it as a pet. The thing grows exponentially and it starts to prey on the pets roaming around the building.
July 12, 2024
A fun creature flick set in a small apartment building. This film screams Critters, the biggest difference is that we're dealing with a spider-like creature here. It's a very rudimentary genre film, but the execution is on point and since it's been a while, it was fun catching up with this type of film.
The background story (about a struggling family) isn't all that interesting, but the creature is nice enough and the buildup is competent. There are some quirky characters, the pacing is slick and there are some decent horror moments, though none that stand out. Good fun, just don't expect anything novel.