Plot: Gwen and Miles are back in their own universe, once again alone and separated from each other. But anomalies begin to appear in different universes and when Gwen is battling a creature that escaped from a Da Vinci world, several other Spider-Men appear to help her out. They disclose to her they have formed an exclusive club of Spider-Men superheroes who operate across the Multiverse. Reluctantly they accept Gwen into their club. This allows her to visit Miles again, but once she learns about the consequence
July 16, 2023
Even better than the first one. The Spider-Man animated films are so far ahead of the competition it's not even funny anymore. Sure enough, Across the Spider-verse has issues. The film relies too much on dialogue to get its emotional core across, and the two-part setup is lame (resulting in a rather dull and disappointing ending). Not all the jokes work out and voice actors like Jake Johnson aren't fit for the job. But unless you're watching this with your eyes closed, it doesn't matter that much. The visual overload, the insane detail and the near-constant attempts to challenge the boundaries of the medium make this one of the boldest and brightest animated films to come out of the USA. An absolute delight.