Plot: A young mangaka wants to escape his current life. He packs up and starts a journey, hoping it will provide any answers to his inner turmoil. His biggest wish is to find someone he can marry, but the women he meets aren't swayed by his often less than passionate requests for marriage.
December 02, 2024
I'm not sure where this film came from, but the mix of arthouse and genre/cult is exactly what I love. It's a shame Yamada can't quite overcome his budgetary limitations (and that there's not a nice, cleaned-up copy available), but if you love weird Japanese films, this comes highly recommended.
The plot is a little unhinged and the cinematography, while colorful and distinct, could've used that little bit of extra polish. But there are many fun and nifty details, the film kept me on my toes and it doesn't outstay its welcome. I'm a little surprised I never heard about it before, but these surprises are often the nicest.