Plot: A map carved in gold falls into the wrong hands. It betrays the location of a sizeable treasure and whoever gets his hands on the treasure could upset the political balance in the region. And so, the map has to be retrieved as quickly as possible. A trained assassin is sent out to retrieve the map and make a deal with its possessor, but he quickly discovers that he is only playing a small part in a bigger setup. He can't trust the people he travels with, nor the people who sent him on his mission, and as he
May 06, 2023
Daniel Lee repeats his 14 Blades trick. From out of nowhere he revives a niche that was seemingly dead. The large-scale Chinese martial arts epics have been struggling to reach their former glory, Lee revitalizes a genre that has been in dire need of an energy injection. He doesn't bring anything new to the table, but Song of the Assassins thrives on skill and enthusiasm. It doesn't go overboard on bad CG, the action scenes are spectacular, the cinematography is bold, the steampunk influences are very cool and the plot is solid enough. I had a blast with Song of the Assassins, long overdue.