1995 / 112m - USA
Smoke poster

Plot: Auggie runs a little shop in Brooklyn. Many people pass through, and they all have their own story to tell. A writer who lost his wife to a robbery, a young kid who changed his identity and is looking for his father, and a woman who returns when she and her daughter are in financial trouble all cross paths in the store.


February 13, 2025


A decent enough drama that links five different stories to a single store where the various main characters cross paths. It's a cute setup and each of the stories is pleasant enough, but the film isn't quite distinctive enough to leave a strong impression the second time around. It's just decent filler.

Keitel and Whitaker are the stand-outs here, but the entire cast is solid. The pacing is slow but enjoyable, the characters are charming and the structure of the plot is inviting. It's just that the overall presentation is tepid and unexciting. It wasn't a terrible film to revisit, but it's not as great as I remembered.

July 20, 2007


[review pending]