Plot: Mila is a young teacher with an impeccable reputation. When she is kidnapped, the police isn't too concerned, as lots of women her age take off without warning. Her parents immediately realize something is off though. Mila ends up in the hands of some online torture gang. She is locked inside a barren room and kept awake at all times. People can log in and follow her actions as she becomes the target of mean-spirited games and pointed torture sessions. While the online commenters are happily spouting misant
October 14, 2021
The first half of Pavel Khvaleev's latest film echoes Saw and Martyrs, it ends up being something entirely different. Saying more would spoil the fun, just make sure you don't go in with the wrong expectations. The first half is solid genre fun, though not quite up to the standard of Khvaleev's previous work. The second half is completely bonkers and elevates the film well beyond standard genre fare. A dark, diabolic and unrelenting descent into madness, well recommended for those who like their horror films a little different.