Plot: Little Tokyo is run by a crazy Yakura boss. Yoshida is fearless and cuts everyone down who tries to oppose him. Two cops with a background in Japanese culture are sent on an undercover mission to boycott his organization. They won't have an easy task standing up to him, but an old vendetta adds some extra spice to the confrontation.
November 09, 2024
A simple buddy cop movie, with a minor Japanese twist. No Chinatown this time around, instead we're getting a crime syndicate controlling Little Tokyo. Cue some cheesy samurai stories and a villain who acts tough but is no real match for our all-American vigilante cop (played by Dolph Lundgren).
There are some half-decent action scenes, but it's not enough to turn this into a good movie. The setup is bland, the performances are terrible and even though the film is quite short it still feels like there's too much padding. Fans of 80s action cinema might find something here, and it's not the worst of its kind, but great cinema this is not.