Plot: Ikuo and Ayumi return to Ayumi's hometown as Ikuo landed a job there, working for a printing company. Ikuo has a gambling addiction and though he promised Ayumi to better his life, when two of his colleagues invite him along Ikuo can't decline. It's the start of a negative spiral that is going to have far-reaching consequences.
August 15, 2021
A trademark Kazuya Shiraishi film. Dark, gritty, strong crime elements mixed with drama and severely unlikable characters. It's not for everybody, but Shiraishi has a way to bring these films to life. Sea of Revival may not be his most notable film to date, it's certainly one of his most recognizable.
Ikuo may be a troubled character and the film loves to dish out tragedy, still, there's a crude and fundamental warmth running underneath that kept me engaged. Performances are strong, the cinematography is fitting, and the plot supports the drama well. The only problem is that the film's is a bit long, it really didn't need to last 2+ hours. Other than that, a very solid Shiraishi.