1936 / 131m - India
Musical, Drama
Sant Tukaram poster


January 24, 2024


I'll say this: Sant Tukaram is short for a Bollywood film. It still flings beyond the 2-hour mark, but that's about an hour shorter than most other renowned Bollywood films. Better not get too excited though, because there's a lot of (horrid) song and music here, which makes it feel like a 4-hour film.

When Tukaram's wife and child die of hunger, he loses all hope and turns his back on the materialistic world he's living in. He neglects his second family and turns to faith, collecting religious songs and poetry. Some people are enamoured by Tukaram and want to become his followers, while others envy his popularity.

The first five minutes will tell you everything you need to know about this film. If you can appreciate the music, the songs, and the performances, you're probably in for a good time. I on the hand had to turn the volume down just to cope. Not that I'm surprised that classic Bollywood isn't for me, but this was something else.