Plot: Tokugawa has seized control over the land, but not everyone is happy with his reign. In Osaka, the Toyotomi clan is staging a rebellion. They'll need extra hands on the battlefield, so they call in the help of Sanada and his 10 trusted henchmen, hoping they can tilt the balance in Toyotomi's favor.
October 17, 2017
Tsutstumi still has it. It's been a while since I watched a decent film of his, but this one shows he's still capable of making proper entertainment. Don't go in expecting a serious samurai epic, instead, this is a lighter action variation with pays a bit more attention to its characters during the second half.
There's a strong anime/manga vibe present, shunning a more realistic approach. The performances are decent, the action scenes are pleasant and even though the film is quite long, it never drags. It's far from a masterpiece, but I had a fun time with this one, making this a nice addition to Tsutstumi's oeuvre.