Plot: The film revolves around a well-meaning camping supervisor. The terrain he maintains is a complete dump and the people who come to visit are a bunch of ungrateful slobs, even so, it's a family business, and he wants to do his father proud. His luck changes when Ronny stumbles upon his terrain. Ronny's a former child star who fled from the public eye after suffering severe depression. He's being chased by two shady figures who claim they're the rightful owners of his diamond record, so he needs a place to li
August 19, 2021
Jachterwachter is a celebration of excessively crude, absurd comedy. It's rare to see films commit so forcefully to comedy, especially these days, which makes it all the more fun when they come out swinging and hit the mark on their first try. Not sure how well this film translates for those unfamiliar with Dutch comedy/stereotypes, it's certainly not a film for people who dislike dark, random and crude jokes, but it sure made me laugh. Think New Kids, but darker and weirder.