Plot: A duo of cops is trying to catch a car thief gang. One of the two cops dies during the chase and the gang escapes. The other cop is assigned a rookie to replace his partner. He is hellbent on getting his revenge, but the young cop isn't on board with his methods and the two don't get along at all.
April 25, 2024
Clint Eastwood going for the basic buddy cop movie. He cast himself as the token old guy, Charlie Sheen is the rookie opposite of him. All the rest is just standard 80s action flick. I've never really liked Eastwood, not as a director, not as an actor, and this film didn't change my mind. It's also not the worst one I've seen though.
Two hours is long for a simple setup and the film does drag a little in places. The performances are passable though and the pacing is OK. The action scenes aren't the worst, but there's very little here that stands out and unless you're a hardcore fan of 80s cop films, this is a tough recommend.