Plot: Rita is a young girl who runs away from home after being seriously mistreated by her father. She is caught by the police and brought to an institution for girls like her. It's a special place with unique rules. Rita is placed with the Angels, a group of young women forced to wear angel wings. At first, she doesn't fit in with the other girls, but as she gets to know them she begins to understand why they're acting so tough. Rita wants to escape the place as quickly as possible, as she is worried about her younger sister, who is now alone with her dad, with nobody to protect her from him.
January 18, 2025
Tragedy disguised as dark fantasy. I never got around to watching Bustamante's La Llorena, but I'm sure to fix that soon, as this was one spectacular film. The fantasy elements are fabulous, the drama is intense and even though I'm not a fan of irregular aspect ratios, I prefer wider versions over more rectangular ones. If you liked Hadzihalilovic's Innocence or a series like Haibane Renmei, watching this is an absolute must. This is one of the finer arthouse/genre combos I've seen in quite a while.